Class Schedule

Thinking of Coming to Classes?

Our classes have limited places, so before coming to class please head over to the Membership & Getting Started page and follow the instructions in the Getting Started section.


Main Gym Hall,
Canterbury Primary School,
Molesworth Street,
Canterbury. VIC

Class Times & Types

15th/16th Century Longsword Class

7:30 – 9:30pm Monday

Monday night is our regular longsword class, covering our core syllabus for 15th and 16th century fencing.

Single Handed Sword Class

7:30 – 9:30pm Thursday

Currently we are teaching 19th century sabre in the single handed sword class slot.

Open Hall

2:00 – 4:00pm Fornightly on Sundays

Students with sufficient experience and equipment are invited to come to Open Hall sessions, where the training space is open for fencers to  practice their skills at their own pace.

This is open to fencers from other HEMA schools so long as they are appropriately insured.